House Hunters Goes to Brooklyn

Matt and I have been watching a lot of House Hunters recently. Not only is this show entertaining but I consider it research. I’ve learned about curb appeal, the difference between Tudor and a modern contemporary style and that everyone wants an open concept floor plan. And its all been leading to this moment.

Now, let’s not get excited — we are not looking to buy a house. But we are ready to do what most newly married couples do when they live in New York…

Move to Brooklyn!

Matt and I have been talking about this for a while and both agree that this makes sense. And don’t worry — we will actually be closer to our favorite 3rd wheel, Kinsella, after the move. So after watching House Hunters nearly every night for a month, we figured we were ready. I spent a few hours on Craigslist, made a few appointments and took the subway over to Williamsburg.

Unfortunately, after looking at a couple places, the reality of the challenge set before us has set in. We’ve only seen a couple placing, but they are depressing. They are small. They are expensive. And we didn’t experience that magical feeling that overcomes the people on House Hunters every single episode.  I mean, you never see an episode where they hate all three options.

Maybe Matt and I need to apply to be on the show…. What do you think? Would we be entertaining enough for the HGTV audience? The good news is that once we do find a place, thanks to Design Star, I will certainly know how to decorate it!

If anyone has any apartment hunting advice – please let me know!