Friday Afternoon Round Up

This weekend, Matt and I will be FINALLY heading to Ikea to buy a dresser for the baby. This will give us a little sanity as the baby’s things are just sprawled all over the guest room right now. Saturday night we will be glued to our tv as Notre Dame (#5) takes on Florida State (#2).  Oh, and did I mentioned Matt’s favorite person in the whole wide word, Kinsella, is visiting this weekend? So that probably means no trip to Ikea and I will be back to being the third wheel… What about you? Up to anything fun?

Here are my favorite links from the week:

I hope Matt makes this for me on Sunday ;)

Why don’t all of my closets look like this?

I don’t need more giraffes in my life, but if I did, this is pretty cute.

Do you think the baby will appreciate if I line their drawers? I do :)

Such a cute idea for a rustic wedding/rehearsal dinner.

Not going to lie, I am super excited for this movie to come out.

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