An Interview with Big Bird

As I have written about many times before, I grew up in a cable free household. And not only was it cable free, but because of the poor antenna reception we received living out in the woods of New Hampshire, we only received four channels on our tv: NBC, CBS, ABC and PBS. This meant that I didn’t get Punky Brewster, the Smurfs, Gummy Bears or Duck Tails. As a result, both my sister and I spent nearly all of our television watching time with the characters of PBS. I can say without hesitation that the most influential television show, movie, music or theatrical performance in my life has been Sesame Street.


This show and its characters exposed me to early reading and counting skills, songs and games as well as the ONLY bit of spanish I have carried with me into my adult life. It was also crucial in learning how to tell time – instead of saying that a car ride would take “an hour” which meant nothing to my 5-year-old self, my parents would say “one hour which is one Sesame Street.”

I’ve taken my love of the show into my adult life by learning as much as possible about the show, its creators, actors and supporters. I’ve read nearly ever book written on this group of incredible people, visited the Jim Henson exhibit at the Museum of the Moving Image, and seen Being Elmo – an incredible documentary about Kevin Clash’s journey to Sesame Street. Two years ago Matt surprised me by taking me to see Sesame Street Live – and while we were certainly the ONLY adults there without a child, making us look a little creepy, it was one of the most amazing things he has ever done.

As I mentioned yesterday, I have a few things on my bucket list… near the very top of that list is visit the set of Sesame Street.

Sesame Workshop, the non-profit educational foundation behind Sesame Street is one of the only blogs that I subscribe to (and I work in communications for a non-profit!) and I came across this post today. While I was sad that I didn’t realize the first day of Spring had already come and gone, I was happy to read this incredible article. I hope that all of you who also grew up watching Sesame Street enjoy it as much as I did.

