Affleck for Gotham

“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.”


I know I am late to the game here but I have to say, I am psyched that Ben Affleck is going to play batman. I know, I am definitely in the minority here but let me explain why.

Everyone loves to hate on Ben. And I just think it is unfair. Sure, he’s made some bad decisions in his life, like this and this. But who hasn’t make mistakes. I mean, two other guys were tricked into marrying J Lo too (and it looks like another guy is about to take the plunge soon). So although it is easy to make fun of Ben, we shouldn’t forget the great things he has to offer.

He has one of the best bromances in all of Hollywood with Matt Damon. Their friendship goes all the way back to Boston Little League and we should never forget this:

And who knows, maybe Matt will join as Robin.




And even though he did date J Lo, it gave us Bennifer, which was definitely one of the first celeb couple nicknames. Which basically means, that his one back decision resulted in a bunch of good ones, like: Brangelina and Kimye. So thank you Ben Affleck for ruining your reputation to give us years of name-blending fun.

And for some reason, people love to criticize Ben for dating J Lo. but everyone seems to forget this relationship… not too shabby Ben.


I mean, she’s been with Ironman and now Batman? That just seems right.

And who doesn’t love Jennifer Garner?


Oh, you? Well you have no soul. She is as American and wholesome as apple pie.

And let’s look back at the top movies Ben has done: Good WIll Hunting and The Town. What do they both have in common? A Boston accent. And let’s be serious, a Bostonian Batman? That would be wicked pissa.

So I am going to go out there on a limb and say that I am a fan of this decision. Just don’t remind me of this post if this happens again.

Cold Process Coffee along the Hudson

Earlier this year I wrote about a coffee tasting that one of our friends hosted with a new line of gourmet coffee beans, Lamill. Well, I’m not going to say that my blog post gave our friend, Eric, the “press” and start he needed to take Lamill to a wider audience, but I will definitely let you think that if you want.


Eric recently opened Cold Process Coffee & Tea as part of the redevelopment of Pier 57. Pier 57 is a 170,000 square-foot covered, open-air public market. Business are housed  in recycled and creatively refitted shipping containers. The market is New York’s first large-scale concentration of year-round, affordable work/sell space for artisans and other small businesses. Cold Process Coffee & Tea made their debut last month and have plans to be there through October. There are currently 4-5 other booths in the space with room to add more.







Cold Process Coffee is a unique way of steeping coffee grounds in room temperature or cold water for an extended period. This lends well to an espresso based iced coffee with more flavor and certainly more caffeine than regular iced coffee.



On Saturday, Matt and I decided to run down along the Hudson River to Eric’s new “office.” As you can see from the pictures, it is an incredible space (much too hip for Matt and me). The only suggestion I would make would be to add some delicious treats to the menu.  The counter space looked a little lonely and I bet a homemade chocolate chip cookie and would go great with the iced coffee… now I wonder who you could ask to make you some (wink, wink).

It was very inspirational to see our friend taking a passion and turning it into a business. We were psyched to support Eric and definitely encourage anyone to stop by and get your daily caffeine fix. And who know’s — you just might wait in line behind a celebrity!

Too Old for Teen Choice Awards?

This weekend, while Matt was watching True Blood, I was holed up in our bedroom watching the Teen Choice Awards. Yes, at age 29 I am still watching the Teen Choice Awards. Here are a few of my take aways/impressions of the evening.


1. I had no idea who the host of the awards show was until they said her name (evidence that I am old).

I don’t really know who Demi Lovato is.. I think she was on a Disney show? But I wouldn’t be able to tell you which one without Googling her. All I really know about her is that she is staging a comeback after struggling with depression and body image. Apparently, this comeback involves the X factor, where she will join Britney Spears as a judge. Really? This girl is in the same league as Brit? I am shocked.


2. Normally, I am pretty good at predicting the winners. Since my taste in music, movies, tv shows and celebs runs along the same wave length as a 13 year old girl, this awards show is usually my sweet spot. Apparently, not this year. What’s worse, I didn’t even know who half of the winners were (more evidence that I am old).

Never heard of this movie – Choice Movie: Action, “Abduction”

Never heard of this  – Choice Movie Actress: Action, Zoe Saldana, “Colombiana”

No idea who these people are –  Choice TV Actor: Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Ian Somerhalder, “The Vampire Diaries”  and Choice TV Actress: Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Nina Dobrev, “The Vampire Diaries”

Do I really need to start watching more ABC family and the CW? I thought I already watched enough crappy tv.


3. Let’s talk about Miley Cyrus’ staying power? She was nominated for Choice Female Hottie (I am not even going to get into what a ridiculous category name that is) and was going up against some strong contenders Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Rihanna and Kate Upton. Now I think that in a non-teen world Kate Upton would win hands down. However, I figured Selena Gomez was going to the be clear winner. So when they announced Miley’s name, I was shocked. Don’t get me wrong, I am a big Hannah Montana fan, but let’s face it, that was so 2010. I then figured that the fans had voted for Miley because they voted her super cute fiance, Liam Hemsworth as the Choice Male Hottie. Nope! It was that guy who I didn’t even recognize earlier – Ian Somerhalder. I’ve got to hand it to Ms. Cyrus… you are staying strong among the tweens and teens who raised you.


4. Why didn’t Bieber and Selena sit together? And why didn’t the Biebs wish her a happy birthday after his performance? Justin Timberlake SO totally would have lead the crowd in Happy Birthday if it was Brit’s birthday. Sorry guys, but this generations power teen couple is not living up to the expectations set by Justin and Brit.



5. Taylor Swift. You crushed it. Your dress was awesome. Your audience dancing was awesome. Unfortunately your dates wasn’t. Please tell me that was your brother. You need to stop turning your ex-boyfriends into pop country songs. No one wants to get famous that way.


6. Jonah Hill – stop taking yourself so seriously. You were pretty much the only person who had a polished acceptance speech and thanked anyone besides the fans. Yes, I like you and you are funny but I am 29. Gain those 40 lbs back and stick to being funny. That’s how you win over the tweens.


7. Nice job Rob Pattinson for creating mass pandemonium when you “gave” your surf board to a group of dozens of screaming fans. How do you think this ends? By then all making a deal to share the surf board equally among the group? No – it ends with a fight to the death over a crappy surf board. Man – didn’t you learn anything from Bieber’s adventures in Norway?

And way to think for yourself K. Stewart and do the exact same thing. You really are an incredible role model for young girls everywhere. Wait a second, maybe you two would be good to play Christian Grey and Anastasia Steel in the 50 Shades of Grey movie. You’ve got that dom/sub thing down already.

8. The show ended with a great performance by Carly Rae Jepsen. while her performance was cute, I want to know what Canadian styled her. I know you “just” burst on to the scene and are still getting used to being “famous” but come on – you can do better than that. I know you can.



9. The most famous actor at the show was Crystal the Monkey.

This little lady has a CV that blows George Clooney out of the water:

Year Title Character
1997 George of the Jungle Baby monkey
1998 Dr. Dolittle Drunk Monkey
1999 American Pie
2000 Terror Tract
2001 Dr. Dolittle 2 Drunk Monkey
American Pie 2
2004 Garfield: The Movie Pet monkey
2005 Fun with Dick and Jane Test monkey
2006 The Shaggy Dog Capuchin
Night at the Museum Dexter
2006 Failure to Launch Forest Monkey
2007 3:10 to Yuma
2009 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Dexter/Able
2010– Community Annie’s Boobs
2011 The Hangover Part II Drug Dealing Monkey
Zookeeper Donald the Monkey
2011 We Bought a Zoo Crystal the Capuchin
2012 Animal Practice Dr. Zaius

Who knew this was all the same monkey!


10. Sophie Grace and Rosie. Enough said. You stole the entire show.

This is Today with Matt Lauer and…

So with the news that Ann Curry is out, come the question of who is in? Here are my predictions for who could possibly be joining Matt on the tan couch to great America as they start their day:

Natalie Moralas

Currently, Natalie serves as the news anchor on the Today Show (Ann Curry’s previous role). She has been with the Today Show since 2006, when she started as a National Correspondent before being named co-anchor of the third hour of the show in March 2008. Natalie would be a safe choice but I am not sure she bring enough “spunk” to the set.

Savannah Guthrie

Reported to have been offered the role already, Savannah is clearly the favorite to take on the co-hosting role. After serving as a White House correspondent from 2008 and 2011 and as co-anchor of the MSNBC program The Daily Rundown from 2010 and 2011. Guthrie joined NBC in September 2007 as a legal analyst and correspondent, regularly reporting on trials throughout the country. At the same time that Ann took on the role of co-host, Guthrie was announced as the co-host of Today’s third hour alongside Natalie Morales and Al Roker. In that role she also substitutes as news anchor and main co-host, and appears as the Chief Legal Analyst across all NBC platforms.

Personally, I am not a huge Savannah fan. I think she bring a lot of the same nervous/awkward energy that Ann brought to the set.

Hoda Kotb

Another name that has been thrown around by the press is Hoda Kotb, the co-host of Today Show’s fourth (and arguable horrible) hour. Hoda joined Kathy Lee in 2007 in this role, where they sit around, drink wine and talk about “soft news.” While Hoda does have a background  in reporting hard news, I personally think she has tarnished her credibility and seriousness with her ridiculous antics on the fourth hour of the today show.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck

Elisabeth first entered the spotlight as a contestant on Survivor: The Australian Outback back in 2001. Currently,  she is a co-host on the daytime talk show The View and is a contributor to the ABC morning broadcast Good Morning America. While this is a rival to the Today Show, I think she would be a strong addition to the struggling NBC show. And even though her political views don’t align with mine, I think she brings an interesting perspective to things and I can see her and Matt working well together.


 So who is your pick to cozy up next to Matt? I’m sure we will find out soon enough!

Molly Squared

This weekend Matt and I traveled to Washington DC for a little sight-seeing in our nation’s capital and to celebrate the 30th Birthday of my bff Molly (yes, Matt’s best friend is named Matt, aka Kinsella, and mine is named Molly – weird, I know).

We celebrated Miss Molly in style with a photo booth, a hip-hop dance lesson mid-party and Carly Rae’s Call Me Maybe played no fewer than 5 times during the evening. Clearly her siblings know how to throw a good party!

I’m so happy to have Molly in my life and to have been able to celebrated with her. To honor this very special occasion, here’s the latest rendition of Call Me Maybe.

*Sorry there aren’t any pictures from the party – Molly is paranoid about being featured on my blog. Yeah, I know – – most people consider it an honor!

Life Swap

I called my sister this morning during my walk to work. Here is part of our conversation:

Me: What are you doing today?
Abby: I am going to Starbucks, then Target, then Wegmans
Me: Ugh, you are so lucky! I want your life

Sometimes I wish I could get hit by lightning and swap lives with someone, like in Freaky Friday. And yes, I would like the life of driving around the suburbs running errands. Abby can party with Seth Meyers, Bwilliams, Jilly Fallon and Rihanna instead of me.

Speaking of Freaky Friday, did anyone else see LiLo’s performance on Glee? I smell a comeback…


Sorry for the lack of posts… I am exhausted. This could be why:

Robin Hood And X Prize Join Forces To Fight Poverty In NYC

Scene Last Night: Blankfein, Soros, Neil Young, Rihanna

Egyptian Rihanna performs for Robin Hood

Rihanna returns to the stage as a sexy jungle princess just days after being hooked up to a drip

Amazing evening. I feel so lucky to be part of something so incredible.


Shame on You Katie Couric


All this week Katie Couric is making her return to morning news, only this time she is appearing as the co-host of ABC’s Good Morning America. After hosting NBC’s Today Show for 15 years,  this is certainly a controversial move.

As a loyal Today Show viewer, I find this move almost as disgraceful as when Johnny Damon signed with the Yankees.


Katie, you know I love you – I am just not sure how you can cheat on Matt Lauer like this? And honestly… with this guy?


The only thing worse that Katie’s blatant dis-loyalty to the Today Show is the Today Show’s response.


Really? ABC makes the first move with Couric and you respond with Palin? Even Matt thinks this idea is ridiculous.

Maybe it is time for me to switch my morning show allegiance.

Celebrities I Would Like to Hang Out With

I have a mild obsession with celebrities. You would think that living in New York City, my path would have crossed with some famous folks – the cast of Gossip Girl, Sarah Jessica Parker, Regis or Kelly, Natalie Portman or any of the muppets from Sesame Street. Sadly, this is not the case. However, if I had my pick here are the celebrities I would like to add to my social circle.

Bret and Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords


Daniel Tosh (warning: he might be a little too offensive for some people’s taste)

 The Red M&M


Jonathan Papelbon (NEVER gets old)


Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm

Suri Cruise

(Read this blog and you will understand why)

If you were going to have a party, which celebs would you invite?

My Post Wedding Mission

Nearly every bride agonizes over the same thing after her wedding… how can I figure out a way to wear this dress again?

Sentimental brides will preserve their dress in the hopes that a daughter will one day walk down the aisle in it.

Ambitious brides will alter the dress into a short version but let’s be honest, unless you had a really simple dress, that doesn’t really make the dress appropriate and the chances of you actually wearing it are still very low.

Creative brides might take the dress and turn it into something completely different: curtains, pillowcases, silk linings, etc. These brides are either very brave or don’t like their wedding dress as much as I do.

I decided that I would wear my dress while cleaning my house. Not only would I be happy to wear the dress again, but maybe it would make household chores more enjoyable! Sadly, my dress is currently living at my parents house so I haven’t been able to start this fun tradition.

But last night while watching the SAG awards, I came up with another idea – I should become an actress, get invited to a red carpet premiere and wear my dress. I think it would go over well. I might have to dye it, but that could be a fun adventure.

Red Carpet Ready?

I can almost see myself strutting down the red carpet in this dress, pausing to answer questions from the E! reporter and waving to my adoring fans.

Here are a few previously worn red carpet dressed that seem similar my wedding dress style.

Naya Rivera (2012 SAGs)


Eva Longoria (2011 SAGs)
Lea Michele (2011 SAGs)


 Time to start auditioning!